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Gazebo worlds

AUV underwater world

This scenario launches the and is an empty underwater world that can be used to run vehicles that include fins and the FinPlugin from uuv_gazebo_plugins or FinROSPlugin from uuv_gazebo_ros_plugins

To launch Gazebo with this scenario run

roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds auv_underwater_world.launch

The ODE physics engine is setup to enable spawning multiple AUVs as shown in the snippet below.

<physics name="default_physics" default="true" type="ode">

This scenario also starts the underwater current to generate 3D current velocity topics as geometry_msgs/Twist messages and the spherical coordinate transform server to provide services for transformation from ENU or NED to and from spherical coordinates.

Empty underwater world

The the underwater current to generate 3D current velocity topics as geometry_msgs/Twist messages and the spherical coordinate transform server to provide services for transformation from ENU or NED to and from spherical coordinates. It is an empty underwater space using the ocean_box model.

To launch Gazebo with this scenario run

roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds empty_underwater_world.launch

Herkules ship wreck

The Herkules ship wreck scenario contains a Gazebo model reconstruction of the M\S Herkules with a blue fog to emulate the visibility undewater.

Herkules World

To launch Gazebo with this scenario run

roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds herkules_ship_wreck.launch


Lake with some variations in topography.


To launch Gazebo with this scenario run

roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds lake.launch

Coast of Mangalia, Romania

This scenario was used for the demonstrations of the second demonstration on the EU-Project SWARMs at Mangalia, Romania. It contains an approximated model of the seabed around the missions area with the origin set to (43.797763, 28.598597).

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Mangalia, Romania

To start this scenario, run

roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds mangalia.launch

Munkholmen, Norway

Located close to the location of the third and final demonstration of the EU-Project SWARMs in Trondheim, Norway, the Munkholmen islet is modelled here approximate topography of the seabed and the M\S Herkules ship wreck.

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Munkholmen, Island

Herkules Ship Wreck

To start this scenario, run

roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds munkholmen.launch


By adding blue fog to this scenario, the fog cannot be limited to only the underwater region. The fog will cover the whole scenario.

Ocean waves world

This scenario inclues a sea surface running the ocean model waves shader to animate the waves during the simulation.


The waves are only a visual feature. The wave load will not be applied to surface or underwater vehicles.

Ocean Waves

To start this scenario, run

roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds ocean_waves.launch

Subsea BOP panel

The scenario used in the simulated manipulation demonstration for the EU-Project SWARMs in Trondheim, Norway.

It contains moving valves and April tags used for assistance positioning the manipulator end-effector.

Subsea BOP

To run this scenario, run

roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds subsea_bop_panel.launch