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class gazebo::ROSBaseModelPlugin

class gazebo::ROSBaseModelPlugin
  : public gazebo::ROSBasePlugin
  : public ModelPlugin
Members Descriptions
publicROSBaseModelPlugin() Class constructor.
public virtual~ROSBaseModelPlugin() Class destructor.
protected physics::ModelPtrmodel Pointer to the model.
protected physics::LinkPtrlink Pointer to the link.
protected boolenableLocalNEDFrame True if a the local NED frame needs to be broadcasted.
protected tf::TransformBroadcaster *tfBroadcaster TF broadcaster for the local NED frame.
protected ignition::math::Pose3dlocalNEDFrame Pose of the local NED frame wrt link frame.
protected tf::StampedTransformtfLocalNEDFrame Local NED TF frame.
protected virtual voidLoad(physics::ModelPtr _model,sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) Load plugin and its configuration from sdf,.
protected virtual boolOnUpdate(const common::UpdateInfo &) Update callback from simulation.
protected voidSendLocalNEDTransform() Returns true if the base_link_ned frame exists.

Class constructor.

public virtual~ROSBaseModelPlugin()

Class destructor.

protected physics::ModelPtrmodel

Pointer to the model.

Pointer to the link.

protected boolenableLocalNEDFrame

True if a the local NED frame needs to be broadcasted.

protected tf::TransformBroadcaster *tfBroadcaster

TF broadcaster for the local NED frame.

protected ignition::math::Pose3dlocalNEDFrame

Pose of the local NED frame wrt link frame.

protected tf::StampedTransformtfLocalNEDFrame

Local NED TF frame.

protected virtual voidLoad(physics::ModelPtr _model,sdf::ElementPtr _sdf)

Load plugin and its configuration from sdf,.

protected virtual boolOnUpdate(const common::UpdateInfo &)

Update callback from simulation.

protected voidSendLocalNEDTransform()

Returns true if the base_link_ned frame exists.