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class gazebo::HydrodynamicModel

class gazebo::HydrodynamicModel
  : public gazebo::BuoyantObject
Members Descriptions
public std::stringGetType() Returns type of model.
public voidApplyHydrodynamicForces(double time,const ignition::math::Vector3d & _flowVelWorld) Computation of the hydrodynamic forces.
public voidPrint(std::string _paramName,std::string _message) Prints parameters.
public boolGetParam(std::string _tag,std::vector< double > & _output) Return paramater in vector form for the given tag.
public boolGetParam(std::string _tag,double & _output) Return paramater in vector form for the given tag.
public boolSetParam(std::string _tag,double _input) Set a scalar parameters.
protectedEigen::Vector6dfilteredAcc Filtered linear & angular acceleration vector in link frame. This is used to prevent the model to become unstable given that Gazebo only calls the update function at the beginning or at the end of a iteration of the physics engine.
protected doublelastTime Last timestamp (in seconds) at which ApplyHydrodynamicForces was called.
protectedEigen::Vector6dlastVelRel Last body-fixed relative velocity (nu_R in Fossen's equations)
protected std::vector< std::string >params List of parameters needed from the SDF element.
protected doubleRe Reynolds number (not used by all models)
protected doubletemperature Temperature (not used by all models)
protectedHydrodynamicModel(sdf::ElementPtr _sdf,physics::LinkPtr _link) Protected constructor: Use the factory for object creation.
protected voidComputeAcc(Eigen::Vector6d_velRel,double _time,double _alpha) Filter acceleration (fix due to the update structure of Gazebo)
protected boolCheckParams(sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) Returns true if all parameters are available from the SDF element.
protected ignition::math::Vector3dToNED(ignition::math::Vector3d _vec) Convert vector to comply with the NED reference frame.
protected ignition::math::Vector3dFromNED(ignition::math::Vector3d _vec) Convert vector to comply with the NED reference frame.
public std::stringGetType()

Returns type of model.

public voidApplyHydrodynamicForces(double time,const ignition::math::Vector3d & _flowVelWorld)

Computation of the hydrodynamic forces.

public voidPrint(std::string _paramName,std::string _message)

Prints parameters.

public boolGetParam(std::string _tag,std::vector< double > & _output)

Return paramater in vector form for the given tag.

public boolGetParam(std::string _tag,double & _output)

Return paramater in vector form for the given tag.

public boolSetParam(std::string _tag,double _input)

Set a scalar parameters.


Filtered linear & angular acceleration vector in link frame. This is used to prevent the model to become unstable given that Gazebo only calls the update function at the beginning or at the end of a iteration of the physics engine.

protected doublelastTime

Last timestamp (in seconds) at which ApplyHydrodynamicForces was called.


Last body-fixed relative velocity (nu_R in Fossen's equations)

protected std::vector< std::string >params

List of parameters needed from the SDF element.

protected doubleRe

Reynolds number (not used by all models)

protected doubletemperature

Temperature (not used by all models)

Protected constructor: Use the factory for object creation.

protected voidComputeAcc(Eigen::Vector6d_velRel,double _time,double _alpha)

Filter acceleration (fix due to the update structure of Gazebo)

protected boolCheckParams(sdf::ElementPtr _sdf)

Returns true if all parameters are available from the SDF element.

protected ignition::math::Vector3dToNED(ignition::math::Vector3d _vec)

Convert vector to comply with the NED reference frame.

protected ignition::math::Vector3dFromNED(ignition::math::Vector3d _vec)

Convert vector to comply with the NED reference frame.