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class gazebo::GaussMarkovProcess

Implementation of a Gauss-Markov process to model the current velocity and direction according to [1] [1] Fossen, Thor I. Handbook of marine craft hydrodynamics and motion control. John Wiley & Sons, 2011.

Members Descriptions
public doublevar Process variable.
public doublemean Mean process value.
public doublemin Minimum limit for the process variable.
public doublemax Maximum limit for the process variable.
public doublemu Process constant, if zero, process becomes a random walk.
public doublenoiseAmp Gaussian white noise amplitude.
public doublelastUpdate Timestamp for the last update.
publicGaussMarkovProcess() Class constructor.
public voidReset() Resets the process parameters.
public boolSetModel(double _mean,double _min,double _max,double _mu,double _noise) Sets all the necessary parameters for the computation.
public boolSetMean(double _mean) Set mean process value.
public doubleUpdate(double _time) Update function for a new time stamp.
public voidPrint() Print current model paramters.
public doublevar

Process variable.

public doublemean

Mean process value.

public doublemin

Minimum limit for the process variable.

public doublemax

Maximum limit for the process variable.

public doublemu

Process constant, if zero, process becomes a random walk.

public doublenoiseAmp

Gaussian white noise amplitude.

public doublelastUpdate

Timestamp for the last update.


Class constructor.

public voidReset()

Resets the process parameters.

public boolSetModel(double _mean,double _min,double _max,double _mu,double _noise)

Sets all the necessary parameters for the computation.

  • _mean Mean value

  • _min Minimum limit

  • _max Maximum limit

  • _mu Process constant

  • _noise Amplitude for the Gaussian white noise


True, if all parameters were valid

public boolSetMean(double _mean)

Set mean process value.

  • _mean New mean value

True, if value inside the limit range

public doubleUpdate(double _time)

Update function for a new time stamp.

  • _time Current time stamp
public voidPrint()

Print current model paramters.