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Plume(self, source_pos, n_points, start_time)

Base class for plume model classes. Plume models should inherit this class and implement the update function to maintain a standard interface with the plume server. Each new inherited plume model must have an unique LABEL tag, since it will be used by the factory method to create plume models without the need to import all the plume model class files.


str(object='') -> string

Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.


Return the maximum number of points to be created by the plume model.


Return the current number of particles.


Return list of [N x 3] position vectors for particles created.


Return the position vector with the Cartesian coordinates for the plume source


Return the time of creation vector.


Return only the X coordinates for the particle positions.


Return the lower and upper limit for the bounding box on the X axis.


Return only the Y coordinates for the particle positions.


Return the lower and upper limit for the bounding box on the Y axis.


Return only the Z coordinates for the particle positions.


Return the lower and upper limit for the bounding box on the Z axis.


Plume.create_plume_model(tag, *args)
Factory function to create the plume model using the LABEL attribute as identifier.


  • tag (type: str): label of the plume model to be created
  • args: list of input arguments for the specific plume model to be created

Plume.set_n_points(self, n_points)
Set the maximum number of points to be created by the plume model.


  • n_points (*type: int): number maximum of particles (must be greater than zero).

Plume.update_current_vel(self, vel)
Update the current velocity vector.


  • vel (type: list or numpy.array): current velocity vector containing three elements (u, v, w).

Plume.set_x_lim(self, min_value, max_value)
Set the X limits for the plume bounding box. The bounding box is defined with respect to the ENU inertial frame.


  • min_value (type: float): lower limit for the bounding box over the X axis.
  • max_value (type: float): upper limit for the bounding box over the X axis.


True if limits are valid.


Plume.set_y_lim(self, min_value, max_value)
Set the Y limits for the plume bounding box. The bounding box is defined with respect to the ENU inertial frame.


  • min_value (type: float): lower limit for the bounding box over the Y axis.
  • max_value (type: float): upper limit for the bounding box over the Y axis.


True if limits are valid.


Plume.set_z_lim(self, min_value, max_value)
Set the Z limits for the plume bounding box. The bounding box is defined with respect to the ENU inertial frame.


  • min_value (type: float): lower limit for the bounding box over the Z axis.
  • max_value (type: float): upper limit for the bounding box over the Z axis.


True if limits are valid.


Reset point cloud and time of creating vectors.


Return a binary vector of N elements, N being current number of particles created. The i-th element is set to False if the i-th particle finds itself outside of the bounding box limits.


Logical vector with elements set to True if they fulfill the constraints.


Truncate the position of the particle to the closest bounding box limit if the particle is positioned outside of the limits.


Plume.set_plume_particles(self, t, x, y, z, time_creation)
Set the plume particles with the input coordinates wrt ENU frame and time of creation vector in seconds.


  • t (type: float): Current time stamp in seconds
  • x (type: list): List of X coordinates for the plume particles' positions
  • y (type: list): List of Y coordinates for the plume particles' positions
  • z (type: list): List of Z coordinates for the plume particles' positions
  • time_creation(type: list): List of the relative time of creation for each particle in seconds

Return a ROS point cloud sensor message with the points representing the plume's particles and one channel containing the time of creation for each particle.


The plume particles as a sensor_msgs/PointCloud message or None if no particles are found.


Return a ROS marker array message structure with an sphere marker to represent the plume source, the bounding box and an arrow marker to show the direction of the current velocity if it's norm is greater than zero.


visualizaton_msgs/MarkerArray message with markers for the current velocity arrow and source position or None if no plume particles are found.


Plume.update(self, t=0.0)
Plume dynamics update function. It must be implemented by the child class and will be used by the plume server to update the position of the plume particles at each iteration.


PlumePassiveScalarTurbulence(self, turbulent_diffusion_coefficients, buoyancy_flux, stability_param, source_pos, n_points, start_time, max_particles_per_iter=10, max_life_time=-1)

Plume model implementation based on [1]. The chemical plume is described here by discretized particles generated that are generated on the Cartesian position given as the source of the plume. The plume is treated as a passive scalar turbulence, meaning that it will not affect the environmental fluid flow.

To model the dynamics of the plume particles, the Lagrangian particle random walk approach [2] is used. The particles are generated from the source position in batches at each iteration to ensure a steady flow and each particle has its position (x_k, y_k, z_k) at the instant t_k computed as

x_k = x_{k - 1} + (u_a + u_i) \Delta t
y_k = y_{k - 1} + (v_a + v_i) \Delta t
z_k = z_{k - 1} + (w_a + w_b + w_i) \Delta t

where (u_a, v_a, w_a) are the particle's velocities due to the current velocity, (u_t, v_t, w_t) are the particle's velocities due to turbulent diffusion, and w_b is the vertical buoyant velocity.

[1] Tian and Zhang, 2010

Yu Tian and Aiqun Zhang, "Simulation environment and guidance system for AUV tracing chemical plume in 3-dimensions," 2010 2nd International Asia Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (CAR 2010), Mar. 2010.

[2] Mestres et al., 2003

M. Mestres et al., "Modelling of the Ebro River plume. Validation with field observations," Scientia Marina, vol. 67, no. 4, pp. 379-391, Dec. 2003.


str(object='') -> string

Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.


Return the maximum number of particles to be generated per iteration from the source of the plume.

PlumePassiveScalarTurbulence.set_max_particles_per_iter(self, n_particles)

Set the maximum number of particles to be generated per iteration from the source of the plume.


  • n_particles (type: int): number of particles


True if the new maximum number of particles could be set. False if the input is equal or smaller than zero.

PlumePassiveScalarTurbulence.create_particles(self, t)

Create random number of particles for one iteration up to the given maximum limit and remove all particles that have left the plume's bounding box limits.


  • t (type: float): time stamp in seconds
PlumePassiveScalarTurbulence.set_plume_particles(self, t, x, y, z, time_creation)

Load the plume particles' position vectors and time of creation.


  • t (type: float): Current time stamp in seconds
  • x (type: list): List of X coordinates
  • y (type: list): List of Y coordinates
  • z (type: list): List of Z coordinates
  • time_creation (type: list): List of time stamps of creation of each particle
PlumePassiveScalarTurbulence.compute_plume_rise(self, t)

The plume rise equation is used to compute the vertical buoyant velocity. It is based on the experimental results presented in [1] and can be written as

H(u, s, t) = 2.6 ( F t^2 / u )^{1/3} (t^2 s + 4.3)^{-1/3}

where F is the buoyancy flux parameter and s the stability parameters, and both can be tuned by the user. u is the magnitude of the current velocity on the horizontal plane. The resulting vertical buoyant velocity will be computed as follows

w_b = H(u, s, t + \Delta t) - H(u, s, t) / \Delta t

[1] Domenico, 1985

Anfossi, Domenico. "Analysis of plume rise data from five TVA steam plants." Journal of climate and applied meteorology 24.11 (1985): 1225-1236.


  • t (type: float): current time stamp in seconds


Plume rise velocity components vector.


PlumePassiveScalarTurbulence.update(self, t=0.0)
Update the position of all particles and create/remove particles from the plume according to the bounding box limit constraints and the maximum number of particles allowed.


  • t (type: float): current time stamp in seconds


True if update was succesful, False if computed time step is invalid.



PlumeSpheroid(self, a, c, orientation, source_pos, n_points, start_time)
Plume model to generate a static plume with spheroid form.


str(object='') -> string

Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.


PlumeSpheroid.update(self, t=0.0)
Update the position of all particles and create/remove particles from the plume according to the bounding box limit constraints and the maximum number of particles allowed.


  • t (*type: float): current time stamp in seconds


True if update was succesful, False if computed time step is invalid.